Berks Cast Parts, Inc.
3144 Marion Street, Laureldale, PA 19605
Phone: 610-929-3225, Fax: 610-929-3166

Type-B Rotary Feeders

Rebuild Program

The BCP line of rotary feeders are designed for long life in severe duty applications.

The Type "B" feeders can be applied as rotary feeders and airlocks.  The Type "B" series of rotary valves are a unique design that offers adjustment between the rotor and the seal shoe.  This adjustability enables the rotor to seal shoe gap to be maintained providing the tightest seal possible throughout the life of the unit.

Both the rotor and seal shoe are constructed of a special chrome-iron alloy called BCP-33.  This alloy yields a hardness of 500-600 Brinell.  Unlike other valves that feature a surface hardening, BCP-33 is a solid alloy casting that does not wear off.

BCP has shop rebuild programs to allow your existing units to be completely shop refurbished with new parts.  Contact BCP for available sizes and pricing.

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Copyright © 2002-2006 Berks Cast Parts, Inc.  All rights reserved.
Last Revised: 5/30/06