Berks Cast Parts, Inc.
3144 Marion Street, Laureldale, PA 19605
Phone: 610-929-3225, Fax: 610-929-3166

Conveying Pipe & Fittings

BCP provides quality cast hard iron pipe and fittings.  Hard iron fittings come in both replaceable wearback (RWB) and integral wearback (IWB) styles.  Replaceable wearback elbows feature bolted backs that are extra thick and allow removal for replacement, rotation (to extend life) and inspection.  Integral wearback fittings have a double thick wearback to provide an economical one piece design that provides wear resistance.
BCP hard iron pipe and fittings are used in conveying lines for ash, limestone, sand and other abrasive materials.  BCP can provide conveying elbows with flanged or plain end connections.  BCP plain end pipe and fittings are connected using compression style couplings that allow for minor deflection and movement.

Style-UC ElbowCompression Coupling

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Last Revised: 5/30/06