Berks Cast Parts, Inc.
3144 Marion Street, Laureldale, PA 19605
Phone: 610-929-3225, Fax: 610-929-3166

Ash Intake Valve

BCP supplies two types of ash intake valves, the Type-H and the Type-E.  Both types are designed for use in vacuum ash conveying systems.  The Type-H design is based on a swing disc technology and the Type-E design is based on a sliding gate technology.  Both types meter ash (or other products) into the conveying air stream based on high and low vacuum settings.

In operation the gate is opened via an air cylinder operator.  Ash is fed into the conveying line until the vacuum level reaches the “high” set point.  At this point the valve is closed to stop ash flow.  When the vacuum level reaches the “low” set point the valve is reopened.  This cycle is repeated until the hopper is empty.

BCP ash intake valves are available with an 8" or 12" hopper connection flange.  The discharge section is designed to match the diameter of the conveying line.

The BCP Type-H ash intake valve is equipped with a large 5" diameter swing valve.  Both the valve disc and seat is replaceable and constructed in hardened steel with a Rockwell hardness of 60.
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Last Revised: 5/30/06